专利论文 1. 邓长生:如何促进我国太阳电池技术发展。中国科技成果, 2005.13。
2. 薛耀辉、邓长生、李庆丰、艾德生、戴遐明:化学溶液法在Al2O3单晶(1102)面沉积生长(200)面择优取向的CeO2涂层的研究。中国有色金属学报,2004,14(s3)488.
3. Deng CS, Sammon C, Yarwood J:Sorption and perturbation of water at polyelectrolyte interfaces. Paper 5 - effects of water isotopic dilution. POLYMER 44 (7): 2057-2065 MAR 2003.
4. Deng CS, Breen C, Yarwood J, Habesch S, Phipps J, Craster B, Maitland G: Ageing of oilfield cement at high humidity: a combined FEG-ESEM and Raman microscopic investigation. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 12 (10): 3105-3112 2002.